
About the game.

BREADSKATE is a PC game made with Unity. Focused on Singleplayer, but Multiplayer mode was in my mind since the first iterations of breadskate (even first gameplay tests were multiplayer tests). The Demo is available right now on Steam.
BREADSKATE as a game was born on July 25th, 2020. Originally a joke game built around meme, "suggested" by Jameskii. As the game grew I started learning a lot of new stuff on gamedev. Breadskate was my first project development process of which felt "fluid" for me, as I already had all the base gamedev skills needed by that time.

Latest dev updates.

Breadskate 2024 Demonstration Reel

Latest trailer:


Physical skating controller focused on arcade 3D platformer gameplay

Dynamic flip tricks system based on in-air rotation with pre-animated specials.

BREAD in BREADSKATE plays a big role. Loaf can deform on wall hits, mold, burn and get wet.

There are multiple types of breadskates, from regular bread, donuts and pizza to drifting tofu loafs. Every breadskate mode customizes appearance and skate handling.

Ducks - natural enemy of Bread in this world. Run away from ducks, dodge their bullets while doing sick tricks, and fight back!

some stuff about ducks is still to be revealed, sorry!

Future plans: Level editor (there was a simple one in first demo, but it needs more work), mod support with custom breadskate modes, possible multiplayer mode.